Driven by passion for 100 years

  • The brief

    To celebrate a hundred laps around the sun, Repco wanted an integrated campaign that expressed their passion, their credibility, and above all- their heritage.

  • The idea

    We created a campaign full of hidden history for revheads to find. Every ad was a game of ‘I-SPY’ that kept fans looking for more easter eggs. Whether you were a Bathurst veteran, or just getting started in the world of cars, the only thing you needed to play was drive.

    From the films, to the OOH, to an interactive microsite, we designed every experience with the attention to detail that both the brand and the fans deserve.

  • the result

    While thousands saw the ads, we watched hundreds of fans engaging with the brand by playing on our website, and live socials competition.

    How many references can you find?